Lab Testing for Vegans

Vegan Health Labs

Wondering if your plant-based diet is balanced? There’s a test that can help you find that out. A lot of us struggle with nutrient deficiencies that can cause unpleasant and disruptive symptoms. Closer attention to your needs can help you feel your best. I know I’m constantly trying to evaluate how my food choices are impacting how I’m feeling and this takes the guess work out of it. If you’re looking for lab testing for vegans, this is the place to be.

Health Labs, a nationwide company, offers testing to check up on your nutrition. I’m taking the test to see what I need to do to feel better, to have more energy, etc. This is an awesome service that’s fast, on your own, meaning you don’t need a referral from a doctor, and generally so helpful. 

Lab Testing by HeathLabs

For long-time vegans: Vegan Nutrition Panel

They provide special testing for people on vegan diets. These tests see how much you have of the vitamins and minerals that most people get through meat and dairy products. As vegans, we just have to be more aware of things like B-12 and Calcium. If you’re a junk food vegan who feels a little more tired than you should, (I am, too, girl) this test might be especially helpful. You can check in on your levels and adjust with either supplements or more of a certain whole food.

For those interested in veganism, (or maybe if you want to convert your friends): Comprehensive “Should I Be Vegan?” Panel

This test allows you to see if you’re sensitive to animal products. Though there are many reasons other than health to be vegan, this is the primary reason to transition for a lot of people. After all, health is wealth! This test checks your system to see if you’re allergic to meats, milk, you know that sort of stuff. 

If you tell HealthLabs that you found out about them from the For Goodness Seyks Blog (or just from Seyka) they will give you an additional 25% off! (I don’t get anything for you using my code. I just want you to get that goodie!) Click here to get 25% off your labs!


Once I got the results back from lab testing for vegans, I decided to run them by my doctor, a functional medicine doctor, Dr. Beth Haynes. (Dr. Haynes works exclusively with California patients and if you contact her, please tell her you found her through me!)

I’ve listed the supplements below that my doctor and I decided on. Remember these are personalized for me. My story about my health issue I’m dealing with right now is outlined in my Chronic Urticaria blog. These might not be the exact supplements you need but they do cover a lot of the nutrients that most people should be supplementing!

  1.  Source Naturals Pancreatin 8X 
  2. Digestive Enzyme Supplement
  3. Thorne Prenatal 
  4. EZ Melts Vitamin A
  5. Magnesium
  6. Vegan D3 + K2
  7. NuTru Vegan Omega 3 DHA
  8. GI Revive (this makes my stomach feel better, too)
  9. Buffered Vitamin C
  10. Activated Charcoal
  11. Quercetin

How to use Vegan Health Labs

  1. Go to the site and pick out the labs that you want to take. Use this link or call them and tell them you found them through me for a 25% discount.
  2. Pick a location to have the labs drawn (they have 4500+ labs across the US).
  3. You might need to fast or do some other kind of special procedure before the lab is taken (it’ll probably be fasting, sorry about that).
  4. Walk into that lab with the printout they email you.

This website makes lab testing so easy. Please let me know if you get any of these tests and if the results helped you make any important changes.

Want some yummy vegan recipes?

Vegan Keto:

Intermittent Fasting Diet 
Ice Cream 
Stuffed Avocado

 Low Histamine Vegan:

Chronic Urticaria (Hives) How I Live Hive-Free on a Vegan Low Histamine
Coconut Soup – Low Histamine Vegan

And of course you can check out our 21 Country Vegan Voyage!


  • Seyka Mejeur

    Seyka is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with feet in two worlds: first leading and teaching a plant based lifestyle, wellness and living an empowered life, and second as professional headhunting and people operations. Seyka and her husband Brian recently completed a 21 Country Vegan Voyage where they traveled around the globe, interviewed top chefs and enjoyed epic plant based cuisine. Seyka and her husband Brian co-own an Aerospace Headhunting and People Operations Consulting company AdAstra Seyka is also an indoor cycle instructor, 15 year yogi, dog trainer, a home chef, event planner, and a researcher and a published author of academic literature.

Author: Seyka Mejeur

Seyka is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with feet in two worlds: first leading and teaching a plant based lifestyle, wellness and living an empowered life, and second as professional headhunting and people operations. Seyka and her husband Brian recently completed a 21 Country Vegan Voyage where they traveled around the globe, interviewed top chefs and enjoyed epic plant based cuisine. Seyka and her husband Brian co-own an Aerospace Headhunting and People Operations Consulting company AdAstra Seyka is also an indoor cycle instructor, 15 year yogi, dog trainer, a home chef, event planner, and a researcher and a published author of academic literature.

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