Low Histamine Vegan Roasted Vegetables

Some sides are so versatile and beloved through so many different cultures that they barely even need an introduction anymore. Think of your classic American dinner spread: you’ve got potatoes under pretty much any imaginable form, macaroni in its cold or classic warm version, probably some kind of fried food and bread, maybe a salad if the weather is particularly warm. But, no matter how good all these side dishes are, if there is one that constantly brings everyone on the table together, it is the perfect simplicity of roasted vegetables.

Low Histamine Vegan
Potatoes: bringing together junk food lovers and health nuts for centuries. Picture by Hai Nguyen

Whether you ask professional chefs or simply your favorite grandma (promise I won’t tell the other one!), everyone has their own tips and tricks on how to make the perfect roasted vegetables (and possibly even more opinions on what that controversial term might actually consist of). And that is easily understandable: this is the rare side dish that can make omnivores and vegans agree on something, make lazy cooks just as satisfied as those who spend hours in the kitchen everyday, even be just as easy to make for a small family than for a crowd. It’s hard to find anything to complain about!

While the dish in itself is already “accidentally vegan”, some complications arise when you happen to have additional dietary restrictions. Fortunately, the beauty of roasted vegetables lies in how easily adaptable they are! For low carb lovers, this may mean removing root vegetables such as potatoes and parsnips, while those who follow a low fat lifestyle may need to find ways to roast vegetables without oil.

You should know by now that I am very passionate about helping out those on a low histamine vegan diet. I’ve had experience using this way of eating as a way to soothe symptoms for my chronic urticaria, and have been developing recipes to help make this restrictive diet a lot more fun to eat through. That’s why this recipe is specifically built around low histamine roasted vegetables – although you can definitely adapt it and add some high histamine vegetables if this isn’t a concern to you.

Low Histamine Vegan
As delicious as they are, eggplants are unfortunately one of the vegetables histamine-sensible people will most likely have to limit consumption of. Picture by Lucian Alexe

A low histamine vegan diet generally isn’t too restrictive when it comes to vegetables: it’s easier to know what to avoid than what’s allowed. In our case, eggplant, tomatoes, spinach and pumpkin are a no-go. And although this isn’t relevant to this particular recipe, it’s also good to know that some high-fat foods like avocado and olives as well as pickled vegetables aren’t the friendliest foods for the histamine sensitive.

Apart from those few exceptions, when it comes to a low histamine vegan diet, you can pretty much go wild! I’ve chosen to use carrots, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes (or yams, their starchier and drier African cousins) and broccoli, but feel free to add whatever you fancy to the mix – just make sure to adapt seasonings and oil amounts accordingly. I personally used rosemary and garlic as a way to give more flavor, and used extra-virgin olive oil (whose health benefits keep getting proved again and again) as my fat source. 

Low Histamine Vegan
Garlic has also been well-known throughout history for its medicinal properties. Good thing for us that it’s also delicious! Picture by Mike Kenneally

As for the method for these low histamine vegan roasted vegetables, nothing could be easier: simply mix all your chopped vegetables (aside from broccoli) with seasonings and oil in a casserole dish and let them roast in the oven for about 25 minutes. Once that mark has passed, add the broccoli, and there’s only 20 minutes left before getting an incredibly comforting low histamine vegan side dish. I can almost smell it just from typing this!

This is a very adaptable and versatile recipe, so if you try it, let me know in the comments and on social media about any modifications you made and what you served it with! In the meantime, here are some other low histamine vegan ideas from yours truly:

Happy roasting!

Print Recipe
Easy Roasted Vegetables (vegan, low-histamine)
These roasted vegetables are easy, filling, delicious, and make your whole house smell amazing. This dish will make you feel like you aren't even eating a low histamine diet.
vegan organic low histamine carrots
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
vegan organic low histamine carrots
  1. Preheat oven to 450 Fahrenheit. Mix all ingredients except broccoli in a casserole dish. Bake for 25 minutes. Add broccoli, stir, bake for 20 more minutes. Serve warm with your side dishes of choice or on their own!


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