Vegan Keto Tangy Coconut Soup
This vegan keto coconut soup is a fat bomb with loads of nutrients. Creamy, filling, satisfying, and it will leave your guests begging for more. I recently fed it to a best friend of mine who said “seconds, please. I could eat this every day of my life”!
Servings Prep Time
8Bowls 15Minutes
Cook Time
35 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
8Bowls 15Minutes
Cook Time
35 Minutes
Tofu Bites
  1. Cut the tofu into 1 square inch cubes or 1/2 inch square cubes. Toss the tofu in Braggs liquid aminos and garlic powder. Put some cooking oil on a pan, spread the tofu in one layer, and bake in the oven at 350 (F) until the rest of the soup is done.
  1. In a large soup pot saut̩ the chopped onion and garlic until fragrant and the onion is opaque. Add the coconut milk and the vegetables that are most dense (usually that will be the stalk of the broccoli). Bring to a simmer. Add the lemon juice, liquid aminos, powdered garlic, bok choy, zucchini, and coconut cream. Let the flavors meld while they simmer for 5 Р10 minutes. Taste and adjust flavors to your liking: More lemon to make it more tangy, more liquid aminos to make it more salty, more coconut cream to make it creamier. Mix in the jalapenos if you can handle the heat. Serve with cilantro sprinkled on top and a wedge of lemon.
