Coconut Soup – Low Histamine Vegan Keto
This Low Histamine Vegan Keto Coconut Soup is great for anyone who is histamine sensitive or anyone looking for a hardy, satisfying, creamy, nutrition packed meal!
Servings Prep Time
5People 20 Minutes
Cook Time
20 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
5People 20 Minutes
Cook Time
20 Minutes
  1. Sautee the onion, garlic, and olive oil until fragrant and starting to lightly brown (not burn). Blend in a blender or food processor with the cauliflower. Add the cauliflower mixture back to a pot. Add the two cans of coconut milk. Drop in the broccoli and carrots and simmer until the broccoli slightly softens. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve atop of quinoa with chopped green onion sprinkled on top.
Recipe Notes

This Coconut Soup Vegan Low Histamine Keto is a hardy, delicious, nutritious soup that fulfills needs for so many people with dietary restrictions! A low histamine diet can be helpful to decrease inflammation and is really helpful to anyone who is dealing with low histamine tolerance. I, Seyka, have recently been diagnosed with  chronic idiopathic urticaria.  This is a fancy way of saying that I have hives, they don’t know why, and it could last forever. I found the Low Histamine Diet to be incredibly helpful and keeps my hives away while I figure out what is going on with my body. I feel very blessed to be working with Dr. Beth Haynes who works with patients in California. She is a long time family friend who is an MD and now a Functional Medicine Doctor who is working with me side by side to get to optimal health. I hope this Coconut Soup Vegan Low Histamine Keto meal serves you well!
